
Small & Medium Enterprise

Be a Netflix, Not a Blockbuster

Digital Transformation can be a daunting undertaking for CEOs to consider and prioritize in their organizations, but the alternative is much, much worse. When businesses fail to meet changing market...
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The Sky Is Falling! Lessons from the AWS S3 Outage

This week, I have been inundated with articles on the terror that was the AWS outage. I have read everything from an article touting the downfall of AWS to promises...
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How MSPs Can Make Money with Minimal Cost

White Labeling to Make Green. It’s the economy stupid. Money talks. Show me the money. Ok so we all get it. If you’re a business owner you get it more...
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How SMEs Use the Cloud to Regain Business Focus

We’ve all seen the headlines and statistics about cloud adoption. 78% of small businesses are set to have complete cloud adoption by 2020. The cloud market to grow to $141...
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Six Considerations for Getting the Best Colocation Pricing

You want more security, a stable and scalable environment that provides a huge cost savings: colocation is the answer. Now you just need to pick a data center and buy...
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The Truth About Data Center Downtime

For the business owners and IT managers, data center downtime is the stuff of nightmares. Servers crashing and unresponsive, hours, days, even months of work obliterated, sales calls missed, clients...
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4 Ways Enterprises Are Failing to Support IT Transformation

Often in business, as in life, we presume that because everyone is talking about how wonderful something is that everyone must be doing it and – we fear – doing...
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Your Data Center Needs – Covered

We simplify regulated and complicated data infrastructure with custom-fit cloudcolocation, and disaster recovery solutions to help your business grow and scale seamlessly.