
Knowledge Base
An icon of a cloud connected to different computing models that symbolize public, private, hybrid, and multi cloud.

Types of Cloud Computing

Why is it important to understand different types of cloud computing? Optimized Resource Management: Different types of cloud models cater to distinct business needs. Cost Efficiency: Selecting the appropriate model...
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The Top Three Things to Consider When Developing a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Now more than ever, organizations need sound plans for business continuity and disaster recovery to ensure they can weather any crisis or emergency that may come its way. Business continuity...
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Failure Is Not An Option: Making Your Data Backups Failure Proof

Most organizations will experience a form of data loss at least once in their lifetime. Knowing this fact, it is even more important to ensure any data you may have...
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Defining Recovery Point Objective

In our two-part blog series, we will review how to calculate your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). In part two below, we look at how to...
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Defining Recovery Time Objective

In this two-part blog, we will explore and define Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). In part one, we will examine RTO (Recovery Time Objective). What is...
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Baubles organized over yellow background

What You Need to Know Before You Choose Backup Solutions

With a myriad of different options in the marketplace for storage and backup solutions, you know you have to do something to protect your data, but what’s not so easy is...
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Damaged hard drive

Business Continuity Isn’t Just for Other Businesses

Your business is not immune to interruption. The term “disaster” conjures up images of flooding, hurricanes, and wildfires, but if you don’t live in an area typically impacted by these...
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Dive Into Data Center Cooling: CRAH vs CRAC

Recently we’ve been talking about the innovations and trends within the data center world. One of the great innovations that isn’t necessarily ‘new’, but is becoming more and more prevalent...
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Windmills providing alternate energy to data centers.

When It Comes to Your Data Center Alternate Energy Advancements Matter

This week, AWS announced that it was investing in a 189 MW wind farm in Ohio to help power three new data centers it is building in the state. Their...
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Your Dark Fiber Primer

If you’ve ever wondered about connectivity, you’ve probably come across the term “dark fiber” among others. This blog post is intended to serve as a primer to all things dark...
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Your Data Center Needs – Covered

We simplify regulated and complicated data infrastructure with custom-fit cloudcolocation, and disaster recovery solutions to help your business grow and scale seamlessly.