Wrapping Up 2019

As we kick off 2020, we are reflective on the many accomplishments our team has had over the past year. We had a lot to celebrate in 2019, including opening our new HQ in Columbia, Maryland, and being named to the INC.5000 list.  We also expanded our data center portfolio with new data centers which allowed us to expand our  data center reach, closed our first acquisition, and added to the roster of our partners as well.

Without our partners and clients, 2019 would have not been same! We want to pause and says thanks for making 2019 our most successful year to date!

In the video below, we look at the partners, friends, and clients who have touched our business over the course of the year, we’re excited to build on the relationships we built this year. From Texas to New York and beyond, we have been thrilled to have so many on this journey with us.

Here is to a prosperous and successful 2020!

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