The Top Three Reasons Businesses Choose Hybrid Infrastructure

Businesses are moving into the cloud. They’re going there for their phones, their applications, their storage, you name it. Most businesses though are going to the public cloud for some applications and workloads, private cloud for others, and holding on to some physical infrastructure for others still. There are some very clear advantages for creating a custom-fit hybrid infrastructure when businesses are considering the cloud, here are the top three reasons businesses are choosing this route:

1. Increase Flexibility
Hybrid infrastructure combines the best of all worlds for companies managing regulatory requirements, multiple applications, data storage and development needs, along with diverse management capabilities. Clients who have physical infrastructure and plans to virtualize can stagger their migration while taking advantage of the benefits the cloud has to offer. Further, a hybrid approach allows for a custom-fit infrastructure that can ensure resources across the enterprise are supported fully and in the manner required to ensure optimal performance and cost efficiency. Hybrid infrastructure, especially when offered on a flexible contract, enables companies to achieve their consolidation and/or virtualization goals on their terms.

2. Reduce Costs
Speaking of cost efficiency, hybrid infrastructure enables businesses to limit data transfer fees, control resource and storage costs, and ensure they are maximizing their infrastructure investments. In addition to optimizing resource usage and ensuring a right-sized environment for your needs, Data Canopy’s Canopy Connect product reduces connectivity to hyperscale cloud providers and cuts AWS and Azure egress fees by up to 66% – a significant saving in the public cloud.

3. Improve Efficiency/Optimized Resources
For many companies, highly skilled IT pros are spending too much time in the care and feeding of their servers and not enough on strategic initiatives. Migrating to a hosted data center or cloud environment helps to free those resources and shift their focus to helping advance business initiatives. A flexible, scalable hybrid infrastructure solution can ensure that as workloads shift or data is consolidated that the solution adapts as well so that it is optimized to a business’s needs. Tailoring your infrastructure so the application or workload is supported by the platform best suited for it, rather than a one-size fits all approach, will keep the business on target to reach its goals.

Virtualization for most companies is a marathon, not a sprint. A hybrid infrastructure enables businesses to be strategic in how and what they migrate to the cloud so that resources are positioned effectively to support their goals and initiatives throughout their digital transformation process.

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