A Practical Guide To Developing A BCDR Plan

In our blog today, we are looking back at our Disaster Recovery webinar series which focused on a practical guide to developing a BCDR Plan.

As we continue to navigate the new normal within the COVID environment, we are seeing more businesses who need help ensuring their business data can weather any crisis or emergency that may come its way.


Business continuity and disaster recovery plans, which are both strongly related, will ensure your organization remains operational after an adverse event. With organizations facing many challenges from external and internal factors, such as natural disasters and world events, or personnel and leadership issues, all organizations need to cultivate resilience and the ability to keep moving forward.

In our webinar, we discuss:

  • How to create Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery plans
  • Guidance for conducting risk assessments – Technical, Human and External/Internal

View Our Webinar

At Data Canopy, we are prepared to ensure that your business data is protected not only for today, but in the future. We can help you develop a disaster recovery plan that keeps your business running and your team productive. Data Canopy offers geographical redundancy from data centers nationwide, full encryption and corruption detection capabilities, and virtual server backups for seamless fail over in the event of an outage. Contact our expert team of disaster recovery professionals to learn more today.

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