How to Avoid Gotchas When Creating Your Disaster Recovery Plan

In this blog, we are looking back at our BCDR Webinar series and focusing on our webinar that covered how to avoid gotchas when creating your disaster recovery plan. Follow the link below to view the full recording and learn more about developing a clear, effective disaster recovery plan.


Developing a disaster recovery plan for IT infrastructure is key to combating downtime, but where to start? And how do you ensure you are doing it right so that you are prepared should an emergency occur? There are several “gotchas” that can make DR planning onerous, out of budget, or ineffective.

In our video today, we will discuss how to avoid gotchas by:

  • Ensuring the correct scope of your disaster recovery plan
  • Understanding how DR planning decisions impact budget
  • Testing best practices to identify issues in your plan now, before you need it.

View Our Webinar

Free Resources.

Below we have linked to free resources available to you to monitor your IT environments. These tools will allow you to take a deep dive into your storage, bandwidth and network environments in their current state.

  • PRTG
    • A Free Tool To Understand Usage – Hooks Into Every Networking Device.
  • iPERF
    • Command Line Tool Runs In Windows Or Linux To Understand Throughput
    • Moment In Time Snapshot Of VM Usage
    • Open Source Linux-based Monitoring Tool

At Data Canopy, we are prepared to ensure that your business data is protected not only for today, but in the future. We can help you develop a disaster recovery plan that keeps your business running and your team productive. Data Canopy offers geographical redundancy from data centers nationwide, full encryption and corruption detection capabilities, and virtual server backups for seamless fail over in the event of an outage.

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