Control Your Data: Make Colocation Part of Your Cloud Strategy

remote-controlData security is typically the number one reason why organizations don’t virtualize their infrastructure. Whether it’s due to regulatory concerns, connectivity, or speed challenges, oftentimes IT professionals choose to build a data center on site as a solution to their infrastructure needs. The result is that in-house IT resources often spend copious amounts of time and money on managing and maintaining the self-built facility – taking them away from innovation.

There is a way to mitigate the risks of the cloud while maintaining data control, but also to gain the agility and efficiencies that the cloud offers. This is done by making colocation part of your cloud strategy.

With colocation, your servers can still be physically or remotely accessed as you require, but the care and feeding of the infrastructure is left to a provider whose sole job is to do so. This frees your IT staff up for more strategic work, reduces overhead and risk, and enables your organization to benefit from the agility and efficiencies gained in the cloud where appropriate.

If a hybrid IT environment such as this is the right choice for your organization, be sure to choose a provider who can enable you to host your servers in a colocation data center that is directly connected to your cloud infrastructure in order to reduce latency and streamline access to essential data. Interested in learning how to develop a strategy for your cloud solution? Sign up for a hybrid assessment today. 

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