What’s in Store for Cloud Infrastructure in 2021?  Part 1

2020 has been a remarkable year in cloud infrastructure. Due to COVID and other world events, public cloud infrastructure has come to the forefront as a go-to solution for many organizations in managing their data and applications.

As we embark on 2021, we’ve asked Adam Thomas, EVP of Sales Engineering for Data Canopy, to look into his proverbial “crystal ball” and gives his insight into the top three cloud trends he sees in coming into focus this year. This will be a three-part blog series over the next few days.

In the first part of our three-part series, Adam lays out his thoughts on public cloud infrastructure.

 Public Cloud Infrastructure Tracking to Hit $120B in 2021

 In 2020, we saw an unprecedented growth in cloud infrastructure. It is estimated by Forrester Research that in 2021 the global public cloud infrastructure market will grow 35% to $120 billion in 2021 and that Alibaba Cloud will move to the number 3 position globally, following (Amazon) AWS and Azure.

This growth is due in large part to the current global pandemic. Many organizations had to make critical decisions on their workforce as well as the location of their data and applications. These organizations realized very quickly that their access to their on-prem equipment was not as prevalent as it had been in the past. With employees having to pivot to new remote office locations, this change in environment not only proved to be a logistical nightmare but one that could play havoc with their IT budget.  However, these organizations quickly realized that moving their critical data to the cloud brought them a cost savings as well as provided for more access to their data.

What we have seen and will continue to be at the forefront in 2021 is that organizations have a growing confidence in the cloud as a general idea. Cloud has proven itself a disruptive technology and as with any disruptive technology, there is typically a period that users need to get comfortable with this technology. For example, in 2020, we have seen the adoption rate for cloud environments, such as Amazon (AWS) , soar over the past which indicates that sectors such as the heavily regulated healthcare sector for example are growing in their comfort level to trust their core critical business infrastructure to the cloud environment.

About Data Canopy:

At Data Canopy, our team works with organizations to determine their cloud connectivity scope. Through this process, we can help you to assess your costs and determine the cloud solution that will be the best fit for your cloud deployment. In many cases, can help organizations reduce their cloud costs up to 70% by utilizing bulk purchase of cloud storage.  Join Adam on the part two of our three part series on the trends for cloud in 2021 as Adam gives us his insights on colocation and the top cloud providers.

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